Fundraiser Sponsorship Opportunities


(single sponsorship)

As our TITLE SPONSOR your business will be promoted as the title sponsor of all MCJG events and activities throughout the 2023 calendar year with your logo prominently displayed on digital assets with website link to your website. All display advertising including print, signage, all apparel, and all MCJG correspondence. Your sponsorship also entitles you to being the TITLE SPONSOR of the 13th Annual Scholarship Fundraising Golf Tournament at Golden Ocala Golf & Equestrian Club on Sept. 26, 2022 along with (8) eight players, product display/sampling and hole sponsorship This LEGACY SPONSOR also grants you or a member of your company may apply to become a board or committee member of MCJG. $5,000 sponsorship fee can be invoiced quarterly

(two sponsorships available)

As a PRESENTING SPONSOR your business logo and linked digital display ad will
be prominently displayed throughout the calendar year on all printed collateral
correspondence and apparel produced by MCJG, You will also have (4) players in the 13th Annual Scholarship Fundraising Golf Tournament at Golden Ocala Golf & Equestrian Club on Sept. 26, 2022. Hole sponsorship with the opportunity for display/sampling of your product the day of the event. Beverage Cart sponsorship and recognition at conclusion lunch. $4,000 sponsorship fee can be invoiced in (2) two payments

(four sponsorships available)

As a TEAM SPONSOR your business will receive hole signage on course, logo displayed on MCJG programs, web recognition, and social media. Hole sponsor, goodie bag entry item and four players in the 13th Annual Scholarship Fundraising Golf Tournament at Golden Ocala Golf & Equestrian Club on Sept. 26, 2022. $1,000 sponsorship fee


As a LUNCH SPONSOR your business will receive one team of four players in the Marion County Junior Golf fundraising golf tournament on Sept. 26, 2022 at Golden Ocala Golf & Equestrian Center. Signage on the beverage cart. Logo displayed on MCJG website.


One team of four players in the Marion County Junior Golf fundraising golf tournament on Sept. 26, 2022 at Golden Ocala Golf & Equestrian Center. Signage on the practice range. Logo displayed on MCJG website.


Signage on the hole sponsored on the course.